
Entry-Level Remote Jobs in Tech… And How You Can Find One Fast!

Jun 20, 2024 Share
Entry-Level Remote Jobs in Tech… And How You Can Find One Fast!

Working in tech may be a dream job for many of us. But having to commute into a major city every day (then commute in rush-hour traffic on the way home) is simply not what a lot of us want.

Today, we’re looking for more out of a dream job. A lot more. Not just more salary or more perks, but more flexibility. A lot more flexibility. See, a dream job shouldn’t ever turn into a nightmate job where you never have time for yourself, your friends or your family.

But thankfully, things are getting better!

You see, because of the fact the workforce has changed so much in the past few years, many companies, including technology companies, have been forced to adjust to us.

Get this, it used to be that a tech worker might have to spend an hour or two commuting into the office, then spend 50, 60 or even 70 hours a week strapped to their desk, giving them little time to themselves. You’ve probalby seen scenes like this in the movies.

But maybe this isnt the case so much anymore.

Today, over a third of all tech workers actually work less than 40 hours a week, and some of them are getting paid hamdsomely to do it.[1]


Because of the technology that’s been created by some of these companies, some employees have the ability to scrap that daily commute alltogether and work from home.

That means no more 5am wakeup calls. No more gallons of coffee on the two hour drive in, and no more pulling your hair out during the two hour drive back to the apartment.

And yes, tech companies do hire remote workers… and are actively hiring them, right now!

In fact, a recent article in Forbes says, “The demand for remote tech talent is on the rise… many companies are actively seeking to recruit fully remote tech workers.”[2]

And many companies are even hiring entry level remote workers, meaning you probably don’t need a degree from MIT, and you probably don’t have to live in silicon valley to get one!

With all that said, will share with you some of the best paying entry-level, work from home tech jobs…

And we’ll show you an easy way to apply for them.

Let’s start with the jobs.

According to (a website that covers everything technology), there are at least 6 good paying remote jobs in tech, that they say, “require no experience but pay above average salaries.”[3]

So that’s no experience required, good paying and remote!

These jobs are…

Digital/web editor: starting at about $56k

Web developer: the average starting salary is about $70k

Content marketing manager: the average starting salary is around $63k

Social media manager: the average pay is about $49k

Data analyst: the average pay is about $63k

Project manager: the starting salary is, on average, about $85k

Now, clearly those salaries are pretty good, especially since they’re entry level, work from home jobs.

And because of this, you could potentially get one of these jobs no matter where you live, or what your tech background may be.

So how do you find one of these new-age dream jobs in tech?

It’s simple, really.

Just go to our homepage at, and use the job search bars right there near the top of the page…

When you find a job you like, apply!

[1] 31% of U.S. tech workers put in less than 40 hours per week | VentureBeat

[2] The Future Of Remote Tech Talent: Top 30 Companies Hiring In 2024 (

[3] 6 Best Paid Remote Jobs to Apply for with No Experience in 2024 (