A lot of people think you need at least a bachelor’s degree to land a good paying job. But fortunately for many of us, those people are wrong!
You see, in today’s economy, there are a number of very good paying jobs, high paying jobs in fact, that you could qualify for if you only have an associate degree.
This means that there are jobs out there (and GetAJobFast.net will show you how to find one in just a minute) that only require you to have about half the amount of schooling as people who have a bachelor’s degree…
But these jobs can pay just as good as some bachelor’s degree jobs!
Now, even if you do have a bachelor’s degree you could already qualify for the high paying jobs we’re about to highlight, since an associate degree is just the minimum amount of education needed.
So, what are these high paying jobs you could find if you only have an associate degree?
Well, according to US News & World Report, there are at least 19 of them.
Today, we’ll show you all 19, and we’ll show you the median pay for each one. But before we show you these jobs, it’s important to know that even if you do have an associate degree, you’ll see these jobs are “field specific.”
Meaning your associate degree (or bachelor’s) needs to be fairly specific to that job in order for you to qualify.
Now, if you don’t have a field specific associate degree (or bachelor’s) for one of these jobs, we can show you a great way to help get you qualified, after we show you the jobs.
Let’s start with
These are some great jobs, right?
If you hold an associate degree (or bachelor’s) in any of the fields listed above, and you want to find a job fast, simply visit GetAJobFast.net. Use our advanced job search toolbar to see if any are available near you.
However, if you do like the jobs listed above but don’t qualify for one yet, head on over to School Match Pro. They can get you connected with an online associate degree program (or bachelor’s) that can help get you qualified.
Here’s to your job search success!